Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Inner Demon

I borrowed a mirror today from Terry (Crop Till Ya Drop) for a self portrait I have been wanting to take for ages now. I am very pleased with the result even if it is not competely focused. I am scared though of how EVIL I look in the mirror! LOL!
The photo in the mirror symbolizes my inner demon, I am sure you know the one!
The negative and evil sabotaging side of me. The me on the outside is trying to ignore the Bitch in the mirror!
I have found the perfect poem for this photo! Have to scrap it!
It was written by my Aunty Gae a few years back and just seems to fit the theme.
My poem about Cristina
From Aunty Gae
Cristina's Inner Demons
As the minutes float on by
You sit and wonder why
Life seems to drift on by
With every flicker of your eye.
As time just drifts away
You search your yesterdays
While pondering should you go or should you stay
Your dreams await your memories of just another day.
Deep in your soul you know
Just where you have to go
As you have always known
Your destiny awaits, as it is always so.
Pretty deep!!! Isn't it.
Just got to come up with some ideas on how to scrap it now.
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True blue Scrapperoo (SAM)Crissy your blog is fantastic and I love the "Inner Demon" photo. I am going to have to use that one (if you don't mind). I have been wanting to do a layout with Freyer in it scrapping about her battle with Anorexia and inner demons and that type of photo will tell the story perfectly without going into major detail. You are a clever chook well done