Thursday, June 05, 2008

Natural Light

Just playing around with a mini studio using natural light. DD is the perfect model as always.

Hopefully will be able to get myself a real studio setup with lights, reflectors and all!

But these are just as gorgeous if not more (yeah I know I am not half bias) than your big studio photography joints! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:20 AM, |


wow chrissy look at your little girl she is sooooo cute. sorry to hear about your puppys(havn't visited your bolg for a bit) congrats on the new puppy it really helps doesnt it. We had to have pip put down in april and now have chuck he is si tiny and so sweet. i posted pics of him on my blog if you wanna see. take care.
  At 12:58 AM Blogger KarenB said:
It's been a while since I popped in to your blog, and what a gorgeous surprise to see how big Gabs has grown. She's so beautiful Crissy, and looks like she has personality plus too. You must be a very proud Mum. xx