Friday, March 21, 2008
Happy Easter

Family Life at the moment is a bit chaotic with DH being in the process of being Medically Discharged from the RAAF. (All I can say for now)
We are both looking at setting up a stall at the next Baby Market where I will be promoting my photography business and also selling a few crochet beanies (as Gabby is modelling below)

She is also loving all the pureed vegies and fruit and custard I am making for her and tries everything food related! (That is the Portuguese in her!)
She has had a few swimming lessons (caught the end of the term) and loves it! She gets so excited when we get there and can not wait to get in with DH:

BTW we also got a labrador puppy. Her name is Fudge:

Don't forget to come and play along at our next cc at Artypants in April :D