Thursday, April 05, 2007
Extending yet again another Olive Branch

I honestly thought I would of ran out of these be now!
Those friends and family who know me well all know about the many walls my dad has built around him and his new life to stop those from his "old" life and family from being a part of it.
His constant lies to make him look good are not only hurtful but damage what fragile state our family is in.
Still when my sister had her little boy (Pedro) both him and I were the last to know and that was a good few weeks after she had him. That really hurt! Considering my sister and I used to be so close, I was totally shocked that she left me till last! Yes she does live in London, but still!
Going on that hurt now, I thought I would risk it all to tell my dad that he was going to be a grandfather again. Not for my sake (personally, never speaking to him ever again would probally leave my sanity intact!) but for Squishy's sake. Sure, my in-laws are going to be GREAT GRANDPARENTS and my father -in- law has done more for me than my own dad ever will (and for that Bill I am more grateful than you will ever know) but I really want Squishy to have what I did growing up, (even if it was for a brief moment) a family united!
Too much to ask? We shall see I guess, I also included some photos in the card.
I really do not know whether I will get a response and I am not sure I am ready to talk to him again (it has been over 3 years now since he last kept ringing and threating to kill both DH and I!) but DH has said that the ball is now in his court and that if he hurts me again he will regret it!
After my mums response to my pregnancy perhaps I shouldn't of bothered!
I do not know, very emotional at the moment....
Thanks for listening :)
I too hope things work out ok Chrissy.
Awww.... Chrissy what a heartfelt post, I'm so sorry for you hun, and I hope things work out for you..
on a lighter note,
It's really wonderful to see you joining in on the Dare.. lovely to see another Aussie, was so excited when I saw your name in the comments.. Love your card, It's just beautiful.. and I truly hope your dad does too :o)
on a lighter note,
It's really wonderful to see you joining in on the Dare.. lovely to see another Aussie, was so excited when I saw your name in the comments.. Love your card, It's just beautiful.. and I truly hope your dad does too :o)
Keep up your chin Chrissy, The people who mean the most to you and DH are the ones who count. No harm in trying but please don't get upset if he doesn't reply. Just think, its his loss not yours. He will miss out miserably not seeing his grandchild.
Keep smiling and healthy
Keep smiling and healthy
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Wow, thats a lot of emotion poured into that card, I hope he appreciates it. It's a lovely card for any man to recieve. I pray you'll be given wisdom todo what is right for you and your family. HUGS
Well at least if nothing comes of it you can say you tried. You've got so much to look forward to when you have squishy...try not to let this ruin your happiness.
I know thats easy for me to say.
Take care, and chin up.
Luv Belinda
I know thats easy for me to say.
Take care, and chin up.
Luv Belinda
hi sweetie,
thinking of you. must be really really tough.
take care lovely ;)
Lus x
thinking of you. must be really really tough.
take care lovely ;)
Lus x
This is the first time I have visited your blog... I think your vintage card is beautiful... and should melt any heart. Hope things get better for you :)
Hi Chrissy, I feel for you so much darl. Whatever happens know you have done the right thing and at least you have tried. So whatever comes out of it, at least you can hold your head high and know you are a better person for doing what you have done.
On another note, I am so sorry to hear about your darlin Kira girl. At least she went in the best way possible. I will let Terry know next time I speak to her. I hope Jake is coping okay without her.
Look after yourself and have a lovely easter. I'm sure Squisy will enjoy the chocies.
Lots of hugs
On another note, I am so sorry to hear about your darlin Kira girl. At least she went in the best way possible. I will let Terry know next time I speak to her. I hope Jake is coping okay without her.
Look after yourself and have a lovely easter. I'm sure Squisy will enjoy the chocies.
Lots of hugs
Jeff's mum doesn't speak to him either but we thought she should meet her grandaughter for Cassie's sake, not hers or ours.
We shouldn't of bothered so we haven't even tried with Chelsie. It's sad for the girls but Jeff's step mum is a fantastic nana so thats the only one they need to know.