Layout found!

Do you ever start a layout which you don't finish and put aside? I do! Constantly! LOL! I found this one last night which I started roughly this time, last year under all my patterned paper. Since I just got some new fancy pants flowers I finally decided just to finish it! Not too happy with the finished result, but I am happy that it has been completed.
Still hand stitching my tiger layout which I started last week. I am about 3/4 done and it is looking pretty good. I might even enter it in the FK excellence awards. Got to be in it, to win it!
This morning I went to my local scrapbook shop, Crop-Till-Ya-Drop for their stocktake sale. 30% off! Got some patterned paper to finish my layout for the Masters and some Fancy Pants flowers! In total I have 5 jars now! Hopefully they will last awhile!!!!
Anyways, I plan to finish all four of the requirements for the Masters hopefully this weekend so I can get started on the FK awards, plus I have gotten a few guest designing spots and have a few layouts to do. Always a guest designer, never just a designer. Got rejected again! So out of the six applications this year I have managed to score 2 guest designer spots and a couple of others have put me down on their list for a later date if needed.
I have come to the conclusion that if I want to get noticed not only do I have to get more of my work published, but I would have to at least be a finalist in a major competition. TALK ABOUT TOUGH! There are just too many scrapbookers who are more accomplished than me, so if any apply for a design team that I apply for too, I do not have a chance!!!
Oh well, I won't let it get me down. Instead I will finish my entries for the Masters and FK and just send them. Hopefully someone will notice!
Tomorrow I am going to Fountain Gate shopping centre for some retail therapy and the Warehouse (they have a huge one close by with a HUGE craft area!)
Have a great weekend!