Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Feeling HOT!

The weather has been HOT!

Monday and Tuesday we went to the dog beach for a swim! One of the perks of starting so EARLY in the morning, is that I get to finish early! DH got this photo of his boy Jake.

Supposed to get thunderstorms later! Mmmmmmm does not look that way at the moment and it is just as hot as the past two days!

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:46 PM, |


  At 2:10 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
chrissy, it's freezing cold in melb now. it was hailing a couple of hours ago and the low is 7degC. want to trade?
  At 3:18 PM Blogger jodee76 said:
I'm with Shirley, I'd give anything for a little bit of summer at the moment. It's hailed on and off pretty much all day, I think we drifted a little closer to Antartica overnight!
  At 2:33 AM Blogger Sarah said:
OK, so it's the coldest November day in 100 years here in Sydney. What is going on with this weather!!!!