Friday, November 03, 2006

Poor DH!

Just got to sit down now!

Dropped DH off at the Collin Street Day Surgery just before 9am , my stomach was in knots, do not know why.Anyway, left him there and went shopping and came back 11.30, he was still in the recovery room and I was told to wait in reception.
He came out with an EYE PATCH!!!
OMG I freaked!
He went in to get three wisdom teeth out and comes out with blurry vision in both eyes especially the right which is also stinging!!!They gave him some cream for it and the nurse told us they do not know what caused it and that it has never happened before!!!
Gee thanks for putting my mind at ease lady!

Anyway took him home and it started to sting more and get so painful that he was actually crying (which only made it worse again) but he would probally say different! He said that the pain was worse than all the tooth aches he had put up with prior to the morning surgery.
So I knew it was bad.
Rang them, was told the doctor was in surgery and that he will call back when he was done!
Not good enough, so I took him to the local doctors around the corner.They were not going to fit him in until 4.30 until one of the other nurses said that they better because it is "an eye thing and could be serious"So the doctor saw him and put these yellow drops in there and showed me that almost the whole thin membrane covering his eye, over his actual eye (it is like an invisble skin) was scratched really badly!
Well, that explains the stinging!

Poor bugger, he is doped up and sleeping it off in a dark bedroom with eyedrops and an eye patch. He has to keep his eyes closed (they are very sensitive to light at the moment) until the skin heals itself (usually within 24hours)

Oh, but other than that the three wisdom teeth came out without any problems or pain or swelling!!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:34 PM, |


  At 2:23 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
omg. poor guy! how did that happen? maybe they hit a nerve when they injected his gum? hope he is better soon:)
  At 7:27 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
what a time to scratch his eye... know the feeling though, ds got me a good one with his finger nail!