Monday, June 05, 2006


Spent up big this weekend! Fountain Gate was a blast. Mother-in-law came along and she has this habit of buying socks for Scott every where we go. So has you can imagine he has plenty!!!
Anyways, we get to the food court and she has bought a couple more for him! He refuses to take them and she says that he has no choice as the reciept says NO REFUNDS!
So he marched into the shop and told them that his mother suffers from Dementia and that he had turned his back for 5 minutes and she had bought pairs of socks at five different shops! LOL! Needless to say, he got her her money back!
Well I bought some more scrapping supplies and ribbons. I also found some chipboard alphabets at the Warehouse for $5 each. I grabbed two packs!!!
I did manage to get some scrapping done over the weekend, but I do think that I actually spent more time shopping than scrapping. Will have to make up for it during the week!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:43 AM, |


  At 2:26 AM Blogger Me said:
Hey Christine!!!! Wow I didn't realise you had a blog!!! just stumbled on it by accident!!

Don't stress out too much with design teams and comps, just have fun doing your layouts and more opportunities will come your way, and just remember if you do good stuff for these 'guest' positions, you never know who will notice..

Love your dementia story!! and sounds like you had a wonderful time at Terry's I'm missing you all!!!!

Take care, your work is wonderful and you know it is only a matter of time.. good luck with Elite and Masters..

Rach xx