Saturday, June 10, 2006

Restless Leg Syndrome!

Talk about pain! After having a great evening online with the and participating in their online cyber crop! Loads of fun!
My legs started to ache! It was only the other day I remember thinking to myself how my legs have not ached for ages and wondering if the diet was helping! Well I take all those thoughts back!!!!!
I had a hot shower just before going to bed which at the time did ease the pains in my left leg and went to bed hoping the right would eventually go away! Excuriciating!!!! 1.30am in the morning. I had to get up. Usually pacing helps, not this morning! I could not even stand on it and the pain was searing right up my whole right leg. I was fighting back tears.
Worst episode of RLS ever. I managed to get the heater on and sit right in front of it and just rub my leg for half an hour. The heat felt wonderful and did the world of good, even if it did take half and hour for the pain to subdue into tolerable so that I could go to bed and get some sleep. (I was pretty tired by 2am!)
I have had this as long as I can remember. I honestly know that last night was the worst and really hope it is not going to be that painful again! At least I know know the heater and some leg rubbing does help! Unlike all those stupid Crampeze tablets and gel!!!!

Anyway a long whinge for a long weekend!
To top it off I woke up this morning and my nose is running and throat dry and scratchy!
Does not look like I will be going to Terry's cropping tonight! (Damn!!!) Will have to pop into the shop and get some cold and flu tablets, soothers and comfort food!
My poor heater will be working over time this long weekend!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:38 AM, |


  At 4:57 PM Blogger jilly said:
Oh RLS is the worst! Sounds like you in for a fun time with the dreaded flu - we've all got it here too! Not very inspiring, eh?
Take care!
xx Jill
  At 8:54 PM Blogger lusi said:
girlfriend- what is happening there??? You poor thing. Sending you hugs :)