Friday, December 08, 2006

The 2006 Scrapbooking Masters...

The masters have been announced:

Carole Janson
Catherine Duffy
Debbie Kingston
Jennifer Hall
Jo Carey
Jody Essenhigh
Kylie Tout
Lauren Dennis
Libby Morris
Marion Werren
Natalie Taylor
Nikki Rudd
Racheal Scholz
Sandra Gerdes
Sheree McGee

Congrats Girls!!!

I got shortlisted along with 99 other people and do not know if I have recieved an Honourable Mention, so if anyone gets the mag before I do, could you please put me out of my misery and let me know if anything of mine is in there? Cheers. :)

I still have not received my work back, I hope it has not gotten lost in the post! We were told that we would get out work back mid November?? :(

Since the mag is out, I may as well upload my entries too.

Blogger will not let me upload any more pics of the different angles of my flowers and I can not be bothered with a third post today.

Edited 9pm - No HM for me :(. Just got to wait for my stuff to arrive safe and sound now........

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:45 PM, |