Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Scott

Happy 35th Birthday to my Hubby!
He is still convinced that Squishy will arrive today! LOL! Still waiting....
the only signs I am getting, if they are signs at all is a dull backache and abdomen pain (just like I would get before my period) and extreme exhaustion!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:14 AM, |


  At 2:40 AM Blogger Lea Adcock said:
Happy Birthday to Scott.
Hope you are doing well Crissy.

Lea xx
  At 2:54 AM Blogger judee d said:
Happy Birthday Scott, I hope you are enjoying your new adventure. I hope for your sake and for squishy's that he/she doesn't arrive on your birthday (no offence) but wouldn't you like your little one to have its OWn very own birthday.
Remember our thoughts are with you Chrissy.
Keep smiling and healthy
sounds like squishy will be here anytime soon. just wait for the tight sensations and your there, don't be like me and ignore those sensations because they are contractions! braxton (s?) hiks. i swear i had no idea.
enjoy the quiet slow pace whilst you can because soon there will be no turning back
  At 4:51 AM Blogger W. said:
Happy birthday Squishys dad! lol

How excitement for you Crissy - wont be long now!
  At 4:20 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Happy Birthday Scott!!

Assuming you didn't go into labour overnight Crissy LOL....won't be long now.
  At 5:11 AM Blogger KarenB said:
Happy birthday to DH. Not long now, Crissy! Have to smile at abdominal pain though - I ignored my contractions because I thought it was just a bit of period pain... then the nurse told me that's what contractions feel like....LOL.