Monday, August 20, 2007

No Squishy yet!

Still waiting... Looks like Squishy wants to make a Fashionably late Grand Entrance into the world!

Those that know me well, know exactly how impatient I am (DH would add here also that I am a spoilt brat! LOL) and HATE waiting as much as I HATE to be late for anything!

Got to go and kill some more time now....................
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:56 AM, |


  At 10:42 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Squishy is teaching you a very valuable lesson - BE PATIENT!!!lol
  At 3:11 AM Blogger Jody White said:
Just want to wish you all the best and hope all goes well. Can't wait to hear when Squishy arrives and what sex Squisy is. All the very best. Will be watching your blog with baited breath.

Take care
  At 4:17 AM Blogger judee d said:
They say patience is a virtue. Squishy will make an entrance very soon, that I can guarantee. Will not stay longer than he/she requires.
Keep smiling and healthy
  At 1:00 AM Blogger KarenB said:
Squishy will come when Squishy is good and ready :) Motherhood teaches us lots of things... patience could be one of them :)