Friday, August 18, 2006

Sad Goodbye

Finally got the house packed up and cleaned. Furniture got removed this morning, keys handed back and house and yard tidied. It was so strange watching all our stuff being loaded on the back of the truck. Almost surreal!
Past couple of days have been very long and stressful! Good thing the scales are packed! LOL!
DH got his car serviced today and we are ready to pack up the cars and leave Sunday as planned! (Hopefully nothing else will go wrong, knock on wood!)

Well tomorrow I am going to my LSS for the last time! All the girls I have gotten to know well will be there and it is going to be very hard to say goodbye! I will not list any names as I do not want to forget to mention anyone, but you know who you all are! (I am tearing up typing this, hate to think what I will be like actually there tomorrow!)
This is where I learned to scrapbook, where I spend my Saturday nights! Where I have been inspired and have inspired while eating lots of pizza and drinking large amounts of coffee and wine! LOL!
Seriously going to miss them all and no words will ever do justice to explain how much these girls mean to me and how grateful I am that they (god, more tears!) came into my life.

Ok going now, this baby needs a tissue!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:58 PM, |


Ohhhh Crissy...Hopefully you'll all keep in touch through the net and it will feel like you've never left.
Think of it as a BIG adventure!! lol.
  At 6:00 AM Blogger Sam said:
wow, you have me getting teary too.
All the best, I hope it is a smooth and wonderful trip over and you settle in easily.
Take Care
  At 7:33 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
hope you have a safe and smooth journey to perth. enjoy yourselves and hope to hear from you soon again:)
  At 12:26 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Well we will just have to show you a great time when you get to Perth!! Scrapbooks from the Heart is a fantastic shop with some great staff working there. (watch out for Sue Hines though as she is a bit dodgey!! LOL)