Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bloodly Jinxed!

DH is constantly telling me how he is jinxed and I never believed anyone could be jinxed that bad, that it has to be just a series of bad luck! F^%*ing hell! His car is dead!!!! Even if we replaced the motor it would not make it to Frankston let alone Perth!
I am on the verge of tears! We can not all fit into my car, not with the dogs and we can't really afford to get another one now, as our finances are stretched to the limit as it is! Also what happens if we do by chance all go in my car and we breakdown half way?
With less than two weeks until we go, we are stuffed! I have officially hit that LARGE PANIC BUTTON! We can not stay as we have no jobs or house to live in now and our removal has been paid for and we have a house and jobs waiting for us in Perth!
At this point in time I just want to scream!
Do not know what we are going to do at this time, just know that we have to go!

Sorry, to just blurt this out, but I had to get it out of my system.

I am off to have another coffee! I know I will be having a few extra coffees today!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:48 AM, |


  At 6:15 PM Blogger lusi said:
Oh honey...I'm so sorry to hear that! I wish I could do something to help. Just sending ((((hugs)))) to you although I know that won't make dh's car drive. :( So sorry to hear that news...will pray something works out for you guys.
keep us posted ok?
Lus x
  At 11:28 PM Blogger Sarah said:
Wow, what bad timing. I can't believe that has happened to you guys. Something will work out, although it might not seem like it right now. Thinking of you :)
Poor Crissy. I can imagine how you must be feeling. You can get some pretty cheap deals with rental cars to at least get you there??? Hope it all works out.

I also wanted to thank you for the lovely comment you left me. It was really nice.
  At 1:44 AM Blogger judee d said:
Deep breaths and a coffee and more coffee. thinking of your dilema. Don't get too worked up though. There is always a silver lining in a dark cloud.
Keep smiling and healthy.
oh chrissy i really feel for you..last thing you need is more stress with such a big move,,,i hope things work out for you..
Crissy...go ahead, scream as loud as you want!!
I would be the frustrating! Have your coffee and chill out for a will all work out in the end.