Friday, October 06, 2006

Perth Royal Show

DH took me to the show today and bought (not won) this huge Rotti in a camo jacket! (He has taken the photo) Too cute!
I will have to admit not having kids, (even though I am a big kid at heart) previous shows have been disappointing, but this one was anything but! All the pavillions with arts & crafts, photography, free samples and animals was wonderful!!! DH and I were both surprised how long we were there for! A lot longer than any other show we have been to in the past.

Looking forward to next years!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:37 PM, |


  At 12:08 AM Blogger jodee76 said:
That is the cutest soft toy dog!
Have a great weekend!
From Jodie
  At 1:57 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
awww...your dh is so sweet to get your that:)
  At 5:03 AM Blogger jilly said:
More importantly Crissy, did you have the dagwood dog and the fairy floss?????
Whats a dagwood dog? Is that like a QLD version of a hotdog? :)