Monday, December 18, 2006

I am one very spoilt brat!!!

OMFG!!!! My gorgeous DH has not only bought me a 262 self mounting stamp set and doublesided ink pens but a Canon 400D digital SLR!!!!

Best Christmas ever! If I do not recieve any other pressies I do not care!
No wonder he has been bugging me for weeks to make up my mind as to which SLR I wanted!?
Apparently it is also part of my wedding anaversary gift as we got married in January. Gee, the year has just buzzed on by so fast!

Battery is sitting on the charger and I am just reading the instruction manual! Bit daunting going from a point and shoot to a SLR. Lots to learn!!!
Jody, Shirls and anyone else who has this camera any tips would be greatly appreciated!

I am off to play!!! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:38 PM, |


  At 11:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
wooohooo! your dh is a keeper, for sure:) i haven't read my manual yet:) i guess just play around a
  At 1:53 PM Blogger Sarah said:
How fantastic is that!! You are one lucky lady. Can't wait to see your photos :)
  At 3:01 PM Blogger jodee76 said:
How lucky are you!!!
I'm the same as Shirl, I only skimmed through the manual so I just play around too. I thought it would be easy since I've always used a SLR camera but a digital SLR is way different to a film one! I'm use to turning knobs for the settings not pushing buttons! Even if you have it in point and shoot mode, it still creates some awesome pics so you wont have any trouble.

PS: Never realised you only had an automatic camera before, your photos are always so fantastic, I assumed you were already using an SLR! Can't wait to see what you come up with now!
  At 3:56 AM Blogger Jody White said:
What a lucky girl you are. You must have been extra good this year, and especially to get your pressies early. I love my 350D, but like the other girls, I haven't had much time to have a good read of my manual, and experiment much with it. I pretty much point and shoot, and I still seem to get good pics. I have decided though, that I will treat myself in doing a digital photography course, early next year. Have fun with your new toy!!!
  At 2:03 PM Blogger Sharyn said:
Hi Crissy,
Saw your LO in SC, nice work. Knew it was you before I even looked at the name!
Just thought I would let you know I am back blogging. Have a great Christmas ans stay safe!
  At 3:01 AM Blogger KarenB said:
YAY Crissy. I recently got a 400D too - and even though I've used a Canon SLR before, it's a bit different. And it's fab!!! My suggestion is to get used to using it on full auto for a while ~ even on auto it takes brilliant photographs.

Next, choose one mode at a time and work on that. Eg - experiment with aperture, get that right, then experiment with depth of field etc. In between, you can always go to auto if you're not sure.

And have fun with it!!!