Saturday, January 27, 2007
More layouts

Here are the layouts I did last weekend over at SYS, I know I am putting them up a week late, but I have been just exhausted both physically and emotionally lately! Plus very forgetful (getting frustrating).
The Cyber Crop and my Bleaching Class was a huge success and we had heaps of scrappers join us for the fun and games. Speaking of games: I won the BINGO! First time, very exciting!
Hope everyone had a great Australia Day yesterday. Too hot here for me and I just watched movies all day! (getting very lazy I know)
On the pregnancy front:
Got my blood test done on Thursday, going to doctors for results next week.
Also tired of talking about the baby as him or her, so we have nicknamed the baby: Squishy! Do not ask me how I came to pick that name but it just popped into my head!
Still no morning sickness, just really emotional! Yesterday watching foxtel they had a documentary on the dogs they save in USA and they quickly showed a pile of dead dogs! I burst into tears and could not stop crying! It was mortifying!
Work hours have been cut back (not that I did that many to start with) but everyone has been really helpful and if the office did not smell so stuffy I would probally do couple more hours in there, but can not stand the smell!
On Monday I will be 11 weeks (ultrasound will confirm though) and have got a small bump! Most of my tops are tight around my boobs and stomach (can not believe my boobs are bigger! Never thought that would ever happen! LOL)
Anyway, I will try to update my blog a bit more regularly!
Glad to hear everything going well.... on the boob front, just wait til Squishy comes along (you ain't seen nothing yet!!)
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yay too big baby a bonus, especially where hubbys are you no morning sickness.
so glad its all going well.oh and get used to the memory loss, it comes with having
so glad its all going well.oh and get used to the memory loss, it comes with having
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Glad your'e feeling well and all going ok on the baby front. Just love the name squishy. Imagine the scrapbooking about squishy !!!!!
Keeps smiling and healthy
Keeps smiling and healthy
squishy? that's cute:) love the layouts.
Glad to hear it's all going smoothly Crissy. "Squishy"... LOL. Love it.
Love the Christmas layout! Hope you & Squishy stay well:)
Love that your calling the baby squishy! We called Cassie 'The Blob' and the new baby 'Peanut' until we found out they were girls because thats what each of them looked like at the first ultrasound!