Monday, August 27, 2007
Sorry... I am still in hospital

Hello mummy and daddy's friends and family.
My name is Gabriella Ruth Gaylor and I was born at 2.18am on Friday 24th August 2007 after my mummy only being in labour for only six hours! I was 7.1 pounds and 51cm long.
My Nanna Ruth was of great support and mummy pretty much slept inbetween the painful contractions (my spine was pressing against hers with each one, apparently that pain in the back is worse!?)
The only pain relief mummy had was gas and that was once I arrived as she needed 8 stitches (my face was truned the wrong way and they had to not only break her fore waters but turn my head too).
Needless to say we were both very exhausted that first day!
My daddy surprised us Friday night with a weekend visit (apparently everyone knew but Mummy that he was coming!) He will also be home next weekend too.
I am currently in the Special Care Nursery as I had a high temperature and they have put me on a course of antibotics while my bloods get sent off for tests.
Everyone at the hospital both visitors (yes!) and staff all say I am gorgeous and love my long dark hair! Mummy has even heard people taling and asking others if they have seen me and if not they just have too!! :)
Anyway, I hope to be home soon as I am more than ready for some serious spoiling!!!!