Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I recently entered my photo "Beach Bums" (the one on the header of this blog) in a Pets Photo Comp. After being voted on by other forum members and recieving lovely comments, I have made it to Number 1 on the top 5 highly rated list on that site. Despite this I did not even make it to become a finalist as the photographer who usually does the judging passed the buck onto someone else who decided to pick what she thought was cute!
I am dissappointed!!!
Apparently he will now pick someone else to pick a winner out of the finalists! I honestly thought the competiton would be judged by the professional photographer, not by a beginner!
Looking at the forum, I am not the only one who feels cheated and thinks that the comp should of been judged how it has always been judged in the past!

Anyway, life goes on. I know it is a great photo and I know that if the forum users did not like it, it would not have made the top 5 highly rated list (for the whole site, not just that competition!)

I am still sick with the flu but have to go to work tonight! Good thing the healthcare center has central heating!
Almost finished my SM entries, got to make a start on mumber 4 and finish some journalling on my layouts. Also working on a couple of layouts for a guest design team spot for July.

Stay warm and healthy :) I am trying!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:46 AM, |


  At 4:31 AM Blogger lusi said:
I am soooooooooo jealous! I have not even properly started my SM's!I havemy materials but am running low on time!
Anyway...it's not about me - good on ya - keep at it girl - i reckon you are going to be master crissy very soon!!!
Oh yeah...i reckon that photo rocks!!! Give them my addy and I'll tell them that too!!!
Seriously, it is disappointing, but hopefully something else will come your way soon!
  At 4:16 PM Blogger jilly said:
Don't be disappointed Crissy, there'll be something better coming your way...this was just in preparation for whatever that is.