Sunday, February 04, 2007


What a delicious class! Forgot to get some white chocolate, but hopefully will get some during the week and practice the other techniques! All but the rose are filled with chopped up bits of coloured jelly lollies! YUM! Can not wait for the advanced class!
Off to eat some more....
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:02 PM, |


Thay look so yum.
  At 2:06 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
boo hoo... i'm on a dairy free diet at the moment... they lok soooooo good
  At 2:32 PM Blogger Sarah said:
Sounds fantastic to me!!!!
  At 8:32 PM Blogger Sharyn said:
yummy yummy!!! I don't think they would last long if I were in that class!! Hehehe!