Saturday, March 10, 2007

Exploding Boxes

Elisabeth over on the Creative Team on SYS had a class last week on making exploding boxes! Talk about fun and addictive!!! Here a mine:
I have not decorated the inside of the left one as I am giving that to a friend, but the right is going to be one I add to my favourite milestones/photos and memories (still a work in progress, but you can see how it works):

Here is one I made for my mother-in-law and is only a single layered box:

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:45 PM, |


  At 10:36 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
LOVE your boxes!! What a cool idea!!
Great work. I LOVE exploding boxes. They are so much fun.
  At 7:35 PM Blogger Shirls said:
these look great!
  At 12:17 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
oh, these are such a great idea!