Sunday, February 25, 2007
My name is Squishy (well, that is what my parents are calling me until they find out whether I am a boy or girl! But I am not telling!)
My mum had to take photos of the film she picked up at her doctors as they did not give her any photos when she got her ultrasound done!

My name is Squishy (well, that is what my parents are calling me until they find out whether I am a boy or girl! But I am not telling!)
My mum had to take photos of the film she picked up at her doctors as they did not give her any photos when she got her ultrasound done!

I just love to suck my thumb! My mum thinks I will be like dad and have pacifiers hidden all over the house, but I think I will stick to using my thumb.

Check out my feet. They managed to get a photo inbetween me kicking. I am a wiggly worm and love to play in the womb. Not much else to do other than sleep and eat.

Wow! Check out my brain! Well I do have a big head! LOL!
Crissy - you just made me cry! I'm so happy!
Congrats Chrissy. Such exciting news!
Lovely Crissy. So exciting.
squishy is looking cute. you must be very excited:)
hi cristina! wow how exciting, i loved the ultra sounds its such a special time for both of you squishy is so adorable i am so happy for you both. Ana Rita xoxo
hi guys!
congrats on meeting squishy!
lus :)
congrats on meeting squishy!
lus :)
Oh Squishy....your are so cute! Your making me clucky!!! :)
Now cyber Aunty Belinda says be good for mummy and daddy! Sleep all night so mummy doesn't wake to often....and don't lay on mummy's bladder for too long or she will be up on the potty all night.
Can't wait to 'meet' you in a few months...boy...or girl!!
Luv Belinda
Now cyber Aunty Belinda says be good for mummy and daddy! Sleep all night so mummy doesn't wake to often....and don't lay on mummy's bladder for too long or she will be up on the potty all night.
Can't wait to 'meet' you in a few months...boy...or girl!!
Luv Belinda
Wow, congrats Crissy! I'm very behind in the news here, LOL, sorry! Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy. xx katie
How cool is that!!! Just love seeing those pics. Take care.xx
Keep smiling, healthy and behave yourself for mum and dad.