Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ask and you shall receive

I am constantly amazed by scrapbookers generousity! Being part of an online community/forum is great. Even though I will probaly never meet half of these women I feel like I know them better than some of my childhood friends.
They are always there to hear your troubles and to give you some words of wisdom. To compliment you on your layouts or just to help you find a certain product that you need.

I recently started a layout which requires a lot of stitching and just before I could finish the layout, (yep you guessed it!) I ran out of that thread! Not just any thread, but a Warehouse brand thread, so the DMC brand did not have a colour that even came close to the one I was using. So, I decided to put it out there on one of the regular forums I visit S.A.M and Val came to the rescue. Thank you sooooo much Val. You have truly made my day! I am finally able to get my tiger layout finished!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:34 PM, |


  At 8:08 PM Blogger jilly said:
The true meaning of "sisterhood", hey Crissy? Can't wait to see your layout!
It's so great to be a part of the Scrapbooking Online community isn't it!! It's very very addictive...looking forward to seeing your LO..
