Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bought this t-shirt for my little godson Kyle for his birthday (which is at the end of the month.) Hope he likes it. I think it is cool!!! But not having kids myself maybe what I think is cool, really isn't? LOL!!!
Any opinions?
He will be 4 years old! He is growing up so fast and I can not wait to see him once we get to Perth.
Have a cool day girls :)
crissy - i reckon its a cool shirt for sure!
(i'd wear it if they had one in my size!!! lol)
Lus x
(i'd wear it if they had one in my size!!! lol)
Lus x
Thanks for the poem. DH will love it! Lus, I wanted a shirt too, but they only had sizes up to 10!!! (kids) LOL :)
That's a cool shirt for any 4 year old! I'm sure he'll love it.
Very cool T-shirt! My two 4yo's would love it!
Very funky t-shirt..I think it will be a big hit!!
I'm sure he'll love it.
Hi Crissy,
I hate to bring up this subject, but how's the packing going? I hope you are not getting too stressed. Take one day at a time and keep smiling and healthy
PS I think the shirt's cool Man!!!!
I hate to bring up this subject, but how's the packing going? I hope you are not getting too stressed. Take one day at a time and keep smiling and healthy
PS I think the shirt's cool Man!!!!
This big dog is a breed of his own
His markings may betray a few secrets
tell the history of some selective breeding
The black coat
brown accents
the almond eyes in
that heavy head
But that size
his height
a frame carrying all that functional weight
any motion
no matter how slight the purpose
is an event
He is no product of a systematic pairing
carefully matched sires and dams
His breed is a nature beyond man's purpose