Thursday, November 30, 2006
I am really into buttons at the moment! LOL! I found at Woolworths a pack of mixed buttons which have the most stunning assortment and have started making Christmas Cards using the buttons for the centre of the flowers.
Here is one I have made:

Also thought I would share this cool card making inspirational site I found called Daring Cardmakers.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:17 PM, |

Monday, November 27, 2006
If you love BINGO you should really play this one! You have until EST this Friday and then the Cyber Crop fun begins!
Love a good cyber crop!
Just thought I would share a layout I did using colours I would not normally mix together:

These are the new Reminisce Stripestock Cardstock and my cousins eldest boy Jake who is very talkative and so sweet!
Can not wait for Friday!
I am currently finishing making my Christmas decorations and hope to have them up soon. (Will post photos up when I am done)
DH goes to Kalbarri next week, might put up all the decorations while he is away and surprise him when he gets back!
Have a great week! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:54 PM, |

Sunday, November 26, 2006
My turn to set the challenge this week over at STS Blog.
An extremely easy one too! All you need to do is use up some of your Free Patterned paper that you have gotten with a magazine.
See, told you it was too easy! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:35 AM, |

Saturday, November 25, 2006
My take on the lovely Sarah's Ribbon Scraps Challenge over on STS Blog.Real challenge as I do not normally keep the little bits of left over ribbon. I will from now on!Check out the blog tomorrow as I will be setting the challenge for the week! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 5:30 PM, |

I never used to be a pink girl! Pink was always given to my sister Marillia while I got stuck with blue!
So it is no surprise that I am so into this girly colour now!
DH got me this new phone the other day. Isn't he sweet! Got it in my favourite colour now too!
Ok the photo is not the greatest self portait and we will not even talk about my hair! Ok we will mention the hair... Any advice on how I should get it cut would be great as it is half way down my back and full of split ends!!!!!!!Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are having another warm one!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:39 AM, |

Friday, November 24, 2006
Well thanks to Jodie at Artypants and the product challenge we were given, I now have more than enough Christmas cards to give to everyone! Loved creating these cards and they are so quick and simple to make.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:39 PM, |

Monday, November 20, 2006
OMG what a sad day! I just found out that Terry at Crop till ya Drop has closed down and is now getting rid of their left over stock.Terry's was where I learnt to scrap, where my passion and both confidence and self esteem in myself was nourished! Where I made new friends and shared ideas. I shared my life with these girls and they shared theirs with me. They not only came to my wedding, but took photos too!When I left Victoria to move to Perth I knew I would not find a place or a friend like Terry here and we both cried when it was time to say goodbye to each other.Sad day indeed ( I need a tissue).It is a real shame that Terry has closed her shop.Edited 2.24pm:
Just got my Secret Santa pressie from Lc's
The photo does not do it any justice as there are so many little treasures tucked away!
Thank you so much to my Secret Santa Donna. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:46 AM, |

Sunday, November 19, 2006
How cute are these ribbons I found!?
I also found this frame and a brown and white one at the Markets! $3.00 each!!!!! BARGAIN!!!
Here is the finished result:

Love how this has turned out!!! Will be popping over to the Market again next Sunday and getting a couple more as they make a great altered gift! Even if the two frames that sit in the rail are a bit difficult to get back in, once covered with pp! Might just paint my other one!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:57 PM, |

Got this photo in an email with this:As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin. ~anonymous~
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:19 AM, |

Friday, November 17, 2006
Here is my take on Kathyrn's Flower Challenge. Just a quick and easy card! Scan did not work out too well though! LOL! Great way to use up those smaller scraps!!!Went to the Perth Pet Expo today! There is a gal there that DH has spoken to that uses Dingoes for Cane Toad Detection work who will have a stall.Here is a photo of their stall. Not too impressed with the photo, too grainy still!
But if you take a closer look you will see that they have used some of the photos I took a couple of weeks ago on their display!
:) Hope everyone has a great weekend! P.S. Melbournians, rug up and keep warm, I will try and send some of our HOT Perth weather your way, but I can not make any promises that it will arrive! LOL :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:23 AM, |

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The weather has been HOT!
Monday and Tuesday we went to the dog beach for a swim! One of the perks of starting so EARLY in the morning, is that I get to finish early! DH got this photo of his boy Jake.
Supposed to get thunderstorms later! Mmmmmmm does not look that way at the moment and it is just as hot as the past two days!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:46 PM, |

Friday, November 10, 2006

We live around the corner from a HUGE duck pond/park. There are so many ducks! They are not shy either (unless they have babies) and come right up to you.
DH took this photo! How good is he picking up all this photography stuff I keep dribbling on about! He has taken it all in and took this without even asking for any advice or tips! Can not wait to see what photos he gets in Kalbarri with the camera next month!
I love this photo. I did not use a tripod as I wanted to blur it delibrately. Looks haunted!
Have a great weekend!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:05 PM, |

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Just got my layout back from SC that I sent for the cover comp.
Should of submitted something with a cute child. Oh, thats right, don't have any! Damn, will have to take some more photos of my cousins cute kids! LOL
You know how this bad luck comes in threes!!!??? Might just give up hope on the Masters and just hope that my projects all arrive back safely as my otp is a gift for my friends birthday next year and I would be pretty cross if I had to make it all from scratch again as it took forever to make!Happy scrapping, I am off to play with some new goodies and a new camera!Yes, new camera! My DH splurged and got the new Olympus MJU 725SW which is shockproof and waterproof up to 5 metres (perfect for his trip to Kalbarri next month!) and is 7mp! Ideal compact camera and it is blue! Fav Colour! Will upload a pic of it soon!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:21 PM, |

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
if you would like to apply for this position.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:09 PM, |

The winners have been announced! (I can upload my layouts that I submitted now)
Sarah Van Wijck from New South Wales
Erica Glover from New South Wales
Susan Doyle from Victoria
Juanita Walker from Queensland
Congrats Sarah, I so LOVE your work and your style and I know it will take the magazine to great new levels!!!! Well done!

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:49 AM, |

Monday, November 06, 2006
Amazing I got any scrapping done over the weekend with DH and his eye. Which has improved imensely and he is now able to wear his sunglasses inside and not have his eye covered.
Hopefully by the end of the week it will be back to normal.
This layout I did for STS weekly challenge. This week the Lovely Lusi has set the challenge. Too easy and you get to use up your scraps!!! Give it a go, if you are in need of a challenge!
Have a great week girls!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:21 PM, |

Sunday, November 05, 2006
This month we were given the challenge to scrap a time in our day. I chose to scrap what happens EVERY time I visit my cousins boys.
Also got some Chocolate Box papers to play with, in which I created a layout of my cousin and her little girl and a birthday card for a boy. These papers are so fun!

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:43 AM, |

Saturday, November 04, 2006

DH is still in a bit of pain, but at least he is smiling today. Got him one of those eye masks you sleep with over your eyes to keep it dark and am currently baking him is favourite Cherry Ripe Cake (ok, so it is MY favourite!)
I really feel for those people who care for the blind. They have courage and strength beyond their years. I know for one, I could not do this full time.
Keep you all update, hopefully his eyes will continue to improve and he will get full vision back.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:53 AM, |

Friday, November 03, 2006
Just got to sit down now!Dropped DH off at the Collin Street Day Surgery just before 9am , my stomach was in knots, do not know why.Anyway, left him there and went shopping and came back 11.30, he was still in the recovery room and I was told to wait in reception. He came out with an EYE PATCH!!!OMG I freaked! He went in to get three wisdom teeth out and comes out with blurry vision in both eyes especially the right which is also stinging!!!They gave him some cream for it and the nurse told us they do not know what caused it and that it has never happened before!!!Gee thanks for putting my mind at ease lady!Anyway took him home and it started to sting more and get so painful that he was actually crying (which only made it worse again) but he would probally say different! He said that the pain was worse than all the tooth aches he had put up with prior to the morning surgery.So I knew it was bad. Rang them, was told the doctor was in surgery and that he will call back when he was done! Not good enough, so I took him to the local doctors around the corner.They were not going to fit him in until 4.30 until one of the other nurses said that they better because it is "an eye thing and could be serious"So the doctor saw him and put these yellow drops in there and showed me that almost the whole thin membrane covering his eye, over his actual eye (it is like an invisble skin) was scratched really badly! Well, that explains the stinging!Poor bugger, he is doped up and sleeping it off in a dark bedroom with eyedrops and an eye patch. He has to keep his eyes closed (they are very sensitive to light at the moment) until the skin heals itself (usually within 24hours)Oh, but other than that the three wisdom teeth came out without any problems or pain or swelling!!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:34 PM, |

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Got to drop DH off at the hospital tomorrow he is getting three teeth pulled and they have to put him under for it as one of this wisdom teeth is growing sideways and the other has a nerve wrapped around it. I can not believe how much it is going to cost all up and the hospital bed alone for no more than two hours (after his procedure) is nearly $800!!!!!All up we are looking at over a couple of thous!!!Poor bugger! He has been in so much agony pain wise and now wallet wise too!He has promised to buy me some scrappbooking stuff today as he will be "milking it for all it is worth" (his words) over the weekend and would like it if "his Wooby would stay home and look after him" (his words again) How can I say no?We have a mattress out in the lounge room all ready so he can watch foxtel inbetween sleeping.Hopefully I will get a few pages scrapped staying home all weekend.:)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:51 AM, |