Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hello.My name is Squishy (well, that is what my parents are calling me until they find out whether I am a boy or girl! But I am not telling!) My mum had to take photos of the film she picked up at her doctors as they did not give her any photos when she got her ultrasound done! 
I just love to suck my thumb! My mum thinks I will be like dad and have pacifiers hidden all over the house, but I think I will stick to using my thumb.

Check out my feet. They managed to get a photo inbetween me kicking. I am a wiggly worm and love to play in the womb. Not much else to do other than sleep and eat.

Wow! Check out my brain! Well I do have a big head! LOL!

My heart rate is 153 beats per minute! I know that it is normal, but my parents had to be told (you know, being their first time and all! )
Anyway, think I may stay in here a while longer. It is quite cosy in here...My parents get another ultrasound in 5 weeks time and really want to know whether I am a boy or girl (sorry, still not telling!)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:02 PM, |

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The poor male lion is so old that all his mane has been shaved off!
Most of the animals were either sleeping or eating with their bums facing us!
It was okay. Rained just after lunch, but we had seen more than enough by then and just went home.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:59 PM, |

Friday, February 16, 2007
DH and I got to see Squishy today even after all the mix up with the appointment blunder and nobody telling me I have to drink water before hand! We were just really lucky someone missed their appointment and we got in today!No photos (apparently do not get those until the 20week scan) but we got to see Squishy kick, wave his/her arms, suck his/her thumb and jaw move like Squishy was talking to us! It was so surreal!!! DH can not stop smiling!
Did these two layouts on Wednesday:

I was just so depressed on Wednesday after work as just before I left I was told I have to pay the insurance excess on the work van I had the accident in as I was in the wrong. Lets just say it is more than I make in a month! :( I was an emotional wreck! I really do not want to be at work anymore since the accident as it is and this has just depressed me further!
Really needed the scrapping therapy!
On a happier note:
DH took me to the Perth Zoo on Thursday and managed to get a couple of good photos (really lacking inspiration lately!)
Also more scrapping this weekend and an embossing class at Scrap yourself Silly, looking forward to it!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:03 PM, |

Monday, February 12, 2007
So much is happening that I thought it would be easier to copy and paste the newsletter here:On-line Raffle
We are running an on-line raffle right now to raise money for two fantastic causes! One is "Run 4 Rani", and the other is for the Country Women’s Association!
There are some absolutely beautiful prizes on offer, and for just $5 you can purchase 3 tickets to go in to the draw to win one of them, but more importantly, raise money for something worthwhile.Please make sure you check this out!New products
Mod Podge
Embossing Powders, Stamps, Pens and more
Dimensional Magic
Doodling Templates, Cardstock, Matisse Mediums and more!
Remember, if you're looking for something in particular, just ask!Upcoming classes
We have some great classes coming up - there's sure to be one that interests you!
Embossing Basics with Amanda - Saturday 17th February
Pop-up Cards with Crissy (me)- Sunday 25 February
Exploding Box with Elisabeth - Friday 2nd MarchCybercrop
Our next Cybercrop is zooming up fast... Friday 16th February 7.30pm is when all the fun begins! And this time, we have a sponsored prize pack! Acacia Paper Crafts, distributors for Crafters Workshop, Reminisce, My Minds Eye, Everlasting Keepsakes (and so much more) are donating a $20 prize pack!
Try and pop in some time over the weekend and say hi, as we have our live-chat on for the whole of the CC!
There will also be games to play such as Bingo! to win even more prizes, so check them out now and see what happens!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:09 PM, |

Sunday, February 11, 2007
Just updated to Beta Blogger! Do not really see much difference atm!
Need a new blog skin! This one is looking very black and dull! LOL!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:15 PM, |

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Judee D has tagged me:A cuddler? It really depends on my mood and/or occasion. A morning person? Only because I have to be for work, but on my days off I can easily sleep in past nine!Are you a perfectionist? Yes and no! Again in depends, photography and craft related - yes, house work - no!Talented? I guess! LOL! If scrapbooking, photography, floristry and crochet count?
In your pajamas? No I got up at 9.30 am today!Left handed? No.LAST.... friend you saw: Donna at work.
Sent text: to Donna regarding work time for FridayLAST NIGHT.....wore: to bed? Singlet and undies.
Made: Homemade chocs last Sunday, may make more this weekendgot any plans: no plans for weekend, just relaxing and making some more chocsFAVOURITE... number: 13color: it depends on my moodCURRENTLY....missing: my mumQ's and A's
q:first thing you did this morning: got dressed and got subway breaky
q: last thing you ate: pumpkin soup
q: do you have anything bothering you? just my own inner demons at the moment
q: what's the last movie you saw?: can't rememberq: where is the last place you went? To shops at Maddington
q: do you wish upon stars? Occassionallyq: are you a friendly person?: Yes…. sometimes...q: where did you sleep last night?: In my bed
q: what color shirt are you wearing? Floral on tan
q: when was the last time you really cried? When I the replacement work van broke down on Tuesday!q: what was your last thought before you went to sleep? Squishy
q: what are you about to do? surf the netq: if you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? Would love a glass of wine!
q: what's your job position called? Health and Environment! LOL!
q: what's your favorite month(s)? December, because of Xmas
q: what was your elementary school's mascot? Didn't have one
q: what's your favorite bottled water? H2goq: what were you doing at 9pm last night? Sleeping
q: did you attend your high school prom? Yesq: did you go to someone else's prom? No q: do you prefer coffee or tea? Coffee, although not much lately
q: something to read within 5 feet? For Keeps
q: how much french do you know? None
q: ever crash a car, been in an accident? yes, the other week
q: do you look good in yellow? I do not think so others beg to differ
q: do you sing? mostly in the shower or when radio is up loud so no one can hear me!q: ever sing in public? - When I was at school at hymn practice or end of school events.
q: least favorite color? Brown it is just ugly!
q: ever had dippin dots? no.... what are they?.
q: how many driving tickets have you had? probally 2q: do you own your own house? No, not yet.
q: at what age did you/do you want to get married? married at 26q: have you ever been married? Yes am currently married
q: how many kids do you have/want? Got one on the way
Ok, I tag: Wendy and Mistra
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:47 PM, |

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
It's official! I hate work vans!No accident this time; I was driving back to yard along freeway and I hear this squealing noise and then a thud! Next the temp gauge has jumped to hot in like 3 seconds!Anyway, I pull over ring work so they can organise RAC to come out. Once he arrives he has a look and the actual fan in front of the radiator has come off!!!! No wonder the temp gauge jumped, there was no fan in place to keep spinning!One hour and a half later and a RAC tow truck I am back at the yard and work are trying to find a van to replace our replacement van!OMG! I think I have just about had it!Ok, just wanted to vent. Good news: Having our first ultrasound on the 16th Feb! Falls on my friend Carina's birthday!Shit better get her and my sister presents (completely forgot my sisters 16th) what a bad sister I am!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:15 PM, |

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What a delicious class! Forgot to get some white chocolate, but hopefully will get some during the week and practice the other techniques! All but the rose are filled with chopped up bits of coloured jelly lollies! YUM! Can not wait for the advanced class!
Off to eat some more....
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:02 PM, |

Friday, February 02, 2007
Thank god it is Friday! It is stinking hot and is going to be that way most of the weekend!
Still got a bit of a sore neck, but heaps better than yesterday.
DH spoiled me yesterday and I got all my hair chopped off (will post up piccie soon!) and it is now just past shoulders. Feel so much lighter.
He also took me out for dinner last night. We finally tried the Gosnells Hotel; Odgens up the road. Yummy! Dare say, we will go back!
Scrapping wise I have been super slack! Hope to get something done and plan at least one more class for SYS over this weekend!
For all you chocoholics like me the talented Amanda will be holding a Chocolate making Class! This Sunday, so hurry and login and request your password from Wendy by either pm'ing or emailing her! All classes are free you just need to get the materials!
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and thankyou for all your kind comments regarding my post yesterday about my accident. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:06 PM, |

Thursday, February 01, 2007
No, I have not been drinking.
I was involved in a car accident yesterday while driving the work van. Funny thing is I had finished Wednesday's jobs and just wanted to get some of Fridays done as it is going to be really hot!
Anyway I had pulled out from a stop sign at an intersection to get into the lane to go onto the freeway, the lane was clear as far as up to the bend I could see and just as I am pulling out in first gear a little blue mazda slams into the drivers door and the right side of my head slams into the door window ( I am glad I did not have the window down as my head would of kept going)
Needless to say I could not stop shaking when it just happened and just kept repeating...oh my god, oh my god (as the other car had hit me head first and I had so many thoughts in my head assuming the worse!) took me a while to get out and the other lady was fine and helped me to move the van off the road. The whole door on the van looked liked it had caved in and all her car had was some white paint on the front bumper (no dents or scratches) and the bumper over the left wheel was a bit loose! How lucky where we both!!!! Anyway both rang work, swapped details and the guy incharge of the work cars came out to pick me up and organised a tow truck for the van.
After waiting for ages at emergency to get checked out the doctor saw me for 2 minutes tops and as I am going in today to see my regular doctor all he did was feel my stomach and ask which part of my body collided with anything in the car, (just my fat head with the window) Next went to the cop station to fill out a report (Have to for work insurance details) and was told that that same intersection is prone to get at least one bingle a week! Will be avoiding it from now on, I will just go around!Well, by the time I got home it was nearly 2.30pm and DH was relieved to see me in one piece. Just spent the afternoon in our little pool relaxing! Do not have to go into work today, and the other lady I work with said that if I do not feel like going in tomorrow she will do my jobs for me, I will see how I feel. Does not seem to be any bruising, just feel a bit stiff on that side of my head!Anyway, got to get ready to go and see my doctor and get blood results given to us. Hopefully we will find out whether we can have our first ultrasound soon as I am dying (ok, wrong choice of words today) to take a peak at little Squishy and so is DH.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:50 AM, |