Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Forum is Open!


Come on in and register in the first week and recieve two entries into the prize draw! After this week it will only be one entry into the prize draw which is drawn at the end of the month.

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 0 comments
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blumar's Opening VERY Soon!

Ok, for all of those that have been keeping an eye on the Blumar's blog; keep watching as the Craft Forum will be opening VERY SOON!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 3 comments

My Avo!

Photo from left to right: My cousin, Ana Rita, my Avo, Moi, My Aunty holding grand daughter Olivia!

Yesterday was a great day! Got to catch up on old times with my Avo and my Aunty and Uncle and also got more baby clothes from my cousin! Thanks so much Ana Rita. I do not think that there is much left to buy for when Squishy arrives now! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 0 comments
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Squishy Dream

I have been having a few baby dreams lately, but last night was the first dream where I actually got to see Squishy's little face! :) Usually I just see the actual form of a baby, but no distinctive characteristics or features.

I already knew Squishy would look like a "wog" baby! LOL

In my dream I am holding Squishy in my arms and DH is standing along side me. Squishy has jet black hair that is sticking up (looks like it had just been washed) and my lips and a button nose and is smiling and looking from DH to I like as if to say "so this is what you guys look like?"

It felt so real! Truly the best Squishy dream I have had so far!

:) Thanks for letting me share that with you girls :)

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 3 comments
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Card Published and I've been Tagged!

It is on page 7 (Readers Gallery) of Stamping & PaperCraft Vol 12 No 6! Just got my complimentary copy today! :)

Janet has tagged me:

Apparently each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. My belly button is a weird shape each day! Honestly I do not know what Squishy does in there some days, but my belly button looks deformed! LOL!

2. I always have to eat something while driving! (bad one I know!)

3. I love to crochet, but just too lazy to finish the first project I started and always start another!

4. I love to drink the juice out of the green olive jar! ( I can hear you all say EWWWWWWWWWWW! But I honestly love the salty water, just can not have it now with Squishy as I bloat out big time! PMSL!)

5. I can not swim, but can float!

6. One of my ankles are fatter than the other (Right one has a fat deposit/lump that is harmless but weird!)

and final wierd one:
7. I can not have a fringe! You girls who can take your fringe having ablity for granted! Not fair! Stupid Cow Licks! LMAO!

I probally have no friends now after those weird facts but I would like to tag Maria Bee Chris Karen Petrina and Shawnita

Hope everyone has a great day off tomorrow and pause for a moment in respect for all the ANZAC'S.
I am going to see my Avo! (Nanna) can not wait!

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 2 comments
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Baby on Board

Scott really wanted the suction cup to stick to my stomach for this photo, but it just wasn't going to! LOL! May have to get him to use the "old" camera (the one that isn't a slr) as I just put it on the automatic portrait setting but he doesn't know how to use the slr that well (neither to I yet, plan on getting practice though before Squishy arrives!)
I really have not taken that many photos of my belly because of this dilema, I am always saying to him, step in closer and take the photo from the belly up, but I still end up cropping out 70% of the photo! Good thing the slr is a 10mp!
I am 22 weeks and 6 days! ( I can not believe how much my hair has grown since the last photo!)

Scrapping wise I have been too busy to do much as I have been helping Maria get organised with
Blumar's as the Craft forum will be up very soon!
So exciting! A place for all craft addicts! I can not wait to learn some new things!

Other than that I have just been catching up with some family and friends that have been down in Perth recently and my Avo (my nanna!) will be down tonight and is staying at my cousins. I have not seen her since I was overseas (nearly 10 years!!!)
Scott and I are going up to see her (my cousin lives nor - 45 minute drive) on Wednesday as neither one of us is working and that way I can catch up with her and not worry about peak hour traffic on the way home. Can not wait! :)

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 6 comments
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Squishy's first kicks!

I was laying in bed last night and felt a strange sensation in my lower belly, I actually gasped once I realized it was Squishy kicking me! For a moment there I just thought I had gas!LOL!
Good thing DH was home and he got to have a feel too.

I could of laid there all night with my hands on my stomach! Infact I think I dosed off with one hand on there and a smile on my face.

It is just still so surreal to feel another human being growing and moving inside me.

I am going to have to take more photos very soon of my bump as I swear it has doubled in size since the last photos. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 10 comments
Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's a start!

Well thanks to Aussie Scrap Jack and some Erica Glover inspiration I have created my first layout in months!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:38 PM, | 1 comments
Friday, April 13, 2007

TGIF! Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th! 13 has always been my lucky number but when I got home today I thought it wasn't anymore:
I get home from work this morning and go to open Jake's pen to let him out. I can not see him anywhere! I duck my head around laundry door and he is on the same bed and curled up the same way Kira was when she passed away, needless to say my heart stopped and I do not even remember what I said, but I know I swore and then he jumped a mile as I startled him! LOL!

I can laugh about in now, but at the time I just had visions going through my head as to how on earth I would tell DH!!

Anyway, I am so glad it is Friday! So exhausted lately. They still have not found someone to replace me at work so by the time they do I still have to sit with them on the four week run (I hope they get someone soon).

Scrapping wise, I have not done a layout in several months. Very uninspired layout wise, but have been doing a few otp projects and my pregnancy journal.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I am off to relax. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:08 PM, | 1 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Have you seen my layout?

I got this layout accepted with SM last year and have just been sent payment for it, but was never told what issue it would be in; just the Poppets section.

If you see it could you please let me know which issue so that I may purchase a copy.

Thanking you in advance. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:08 PM, | 4 comments
Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter

Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter and to say thankyou for all your support and kind comments this week on my blog. Greatly appreciated. :) *hugs*
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:14 PM, | 2 comments
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Extending yet again another Olive Branch

I honestly thought I would of ran out of these be now!

Those friends and family who know me well all know about the many walls my dad has built around him and his new life to stop those from his "old" life and family from being a part of it.

His constant lies to make him look good are not only hurtful but damage what fragile state our family is in.

Still when my sister had her little boy (Pedro) both him and I were the last to know and that was a good few weeks after she had him. That really hurt! Considering my sister and I used to be so close, I was totally shocked that she left me till last! Yes she does live in London, but still!

Going on that hurt now, I thought I would risk it all to tell my dad that he was going to be a grandfather again. Not for my sake (personally, never speaking to him ever again would probally leave my sanity intact!) but for Squishy's sake. Sure, my in-laws are going to be GREAT GRANDPARENTS and my father -in- law has done more for me than my own dad ever will (and for that Bill I am more grateful than you will ever know) but I really want Squishy to have what I did growing up, (even if it was for a brief moment) a family united!
Too much to ask? We shall see I guess, I also included some photos in the card.
I really do not know whether I will get a response and I am not sure I am ready to talk to him again (it has been over 3 years now since he last kept ringing and threating to kill both DH and I!) but DH has said that the ball is now in his court and that if he hurts me again he will regret it!
After my mums response to my pregnancy perhaps I shouldn't of bothered!
I do not know, very emotional at the moment....
Thanks for listening :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:14 PM, | 10 comments
Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Blumar's Craft Forum is Opening very soon and are taking applications for Monthly Craft Design Guests.

If you wish to apply please email
Maria; your full name, address and what crafts you do and some examples of your work.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:14 PM, | 0 comments
Monday, April 02, 2007

Tears of Joy & Sorrow

R.I.P Missy Moo

Just as DH and I were getting ready to leave to go to my 20week ultrasound appointment we found that our dog Kira had passed away in her sleep on her bed in the laundry.
We had to wait until we came back and have organised to have her picked up and cremated. Going to miss her heaps! I know Jake is already!

On the joyful side Squishy is well and truly healthy and doing well, plus we also know whether we are having a boy or girl, but I am not telling here on my blog as some people who read it want to be surprised.

Anyway got to go... have a few people that I have to ring....
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:14 PM, | 6 comments
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Mini things

Being just so forgetful lately that it is getting beyond a joke!!!

Therefore I was very happy when I stumbled across these mini pens with lanyards on them at Officeworks! Too cute! I have altered a mini book to keep in my bag and have also attached a pen to both mine and DH keys! No more digging around the handbag or car looking for a pen!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:14 PM, | 0 comments