Saturday, September 30, 2006
Yah got to sleep in this morning. 6.10 am just feels like a good sleep in after all the very early morning starts this week at work!
As of Tuesday, I am on my own at work, and no longer in training. A bit scary, but I know I can do it. Just got to be extra careful driving the van, especially being a manual!!!!!
Anyway, as everyone here already knows, the West Coast are playing the Swans today for the Grand Final. I do not really follow footy but I have been hearing West Coast this and that ALL WEEK!!!!
My cousin is due to have her baby today and is a BIG West Coast fan! I am having images of her going into labour during the game and demanding a TV in the delivery room at the hosipital! LOL!! Make a great story to tell her little girl (she already knows she is having a girl) when she is a bit older as no doubt, just like her 3 brothers she will be a fan too!
It is going to be an interesting weekend around here either way. Today we are having Foxtel IQ installed anytime between 7am and 12! I am pretty sure it will be done well and truly before the game starts unless we get a technician that is NOT into football! Also having a seafood feast tonight; crays, fish, you name it! Yummmo can not wait!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:09 AM, |

Friday, September 29, 2006
Yah! It is a long weekend here and I intend to make the most of it!
Enjoy! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:08 PM, |

Sunday, September 24, 2006
Just having a lazy day and doing a bit of D/T scrapping and laundry inbetween scrapping and the net. The one above is for the EDM comp.:)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:03 PM, |

Friday, September 22, 2006
I smashed the back window of the work van this morning!!!
I tell you, life is never dull with me around!
I was reversing out of Karinyup Shopping Centre loading bay and clearly saw the Big Blue Bin but failed to see the Big Blue Spike sticking out of the opposite corner and it pierced the back side and right through the glass!!!!
After sweeping up the glass I took it back to the yard and it is getting a new back window!
I was told, "Oh well, that is what insurance is for!" and not to worry about it!
I am fine but have a sore side from laughing! Sure beats crying over it.
On a happier note:
I entered a Top 40 comp the other month to win a free flight to London to see Pink Live, I did not win but got a runner up prize; her latest cd, I'm not Dead!
Pretty cool, especially considering the other day I was just saying to DH how much I like the CD and will have to splurge and get myself one. Now that money will have to go on scrapping supplies! LOL!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:20 PM, |

Thursday, September 21, 2006
I set myself a 20 minute time limit to scrap myself a layout last night and I DID IT!!!!
Although I did have to leave it over night for the DM to dry! LOL. Very simple and elegant, not really what I have been doing lately! My recent layouts involve a lot of work like stitching! Sometimes it is good to get back to basics and just creates something bold, colourful and elegant.
I have a few others that I have been working on for the EDM comp and will upload over the weekend. Also thinking of entering the latest SC comp to try and get Published on the Cover! How cool would that be? Got to be in it to win it!
Other than that I am looking forward to the weekend but not the housework!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:40 PM, |

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
A new American mag is starting up and are looking for unpublished layouts (this includes online galleries and blogs) for their magazine.
Check it out here!I have too many projects and other creations being pulled together at the moment but I know a lot of people who read this blog really should submit their work! So get submitting girls!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:46 PM, |

Sunday, September 17, 2006

How cute are these German Shepard puppies?
I could of stayed in their pen all day taking photos of them!
I love their little faces!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:01 PM, |

Saturday, September 16, 2006
The gallery for the Arty Pants Design Team challenges is up and running! Yah!
Check it out here! Can not wait for the forum to start!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:33 PM, |

Friday, September 15, 2006

Blogger not playing very nicely and I do not feel like
re-writing everything again!!!!
So I am just posting up some layouts in no particular order while I get some salads ready for when my friend Mel and her husband Robbie from Geraldton come over for dinner. They are in Perth for the weekend as he has family down this way.Can not wait to catch up with her and finally meet her husband!Have a good weekend girls.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 5:17 PM, |

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Sorry for being a bad blogger, but I just been getting into a routine at work. It isn't too bad starting early as I get to pick and choose my hours and routine. So it is all working out well. Promise to upload the layouts I did last weekend tomorrow! Got to take some photos of them first! I have decided to start the EDM layouts and have almost finished a few, will post them up soon too. Ok, a lot to do and not enough hours to do it in, thank god tomorrow is Friday!!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:36 PM, |

Monday, September 11, 2006
Sarah has tagged me...
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?
When I win the lotto, right on the beach!
2. What’s your favorite article of clothing?
3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex?
A big (insert word here).......... Brain, what did you think I meant? Get those minds out of the gutter ladies! PMSL!!
4. What’s the last CD that you bought?
Can not recall, but I do want Pink's latest one.
5. Where’s your favorite place to be?
Surrounded by mother earth! It constantly amazes me the beauty of nature
6. Where’s your least favorite place to be?
Around a heap of smokers! YUK!
7. What’s your favorite place to be massaged?
Yet to indulge! :(
8. Strong in mind or strong in body?
Mind (occassionally!)
9. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Atm 4AM! Yes there is a 4AM!!!
10. What is your favorite Kitchen appliance?
Microwave. Makes cooking a breeze!
11. What makes you really angry?
Idiots and there are SO many of them!
12. If you could play an instrument what would it be?
13. Favorite color?
Whatever catches my eye!
14. Sports car or SUV?
Sports car (once again, waiting on that winning lotto ticket!)
15. Do you believe in an afterlife?
No. I believe we live this life over and over, but take different paths each time. Don't laugh, I am serious! Why do you think you get feelings of Deja Vu?!
16. Favorite children’s book?
Too many to mention. I love all the old style fairytales as I was and still am a dreamer!
17. What’s your favorite season?
Summer. Bring on the heat!!!
18. What is your least favorite household chore?
Ironing!!! So much so, that I do not own one!
19. If you could have one super-power, what would it be?
To be able to run as fast as the flash! I would zoom over where ever I wanted and get heaps of photos!!!
20. If you have a tattoo what is it?
Yes one I designed myself. It is of a rose with a fave, one side is smiling and the other side is crying.
21. Can you juggle?
Only scrapbooking layouts! LOL!
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to?
My boyfriend who commited suicide. I would ask why?
24. What’s in the boot of your car?
Toilet paper and car stuff (spare tyre, that sort of stuff!)
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?
Sushi. So Yum!
I now tag Connie and Ruey
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:22 AM, |

Sunday, September 10, 2006
DH is always raving how the dogs are never in the garden! Well why is Jake in it then? He knows too, that he has been sprung!!! PMSL!Nothing is going to grow, if they keep walking through it! Might have to fence it off a bit.DH has my flu now. It all begins with the sore throat! My nose is still a bit stuffed up and I sound a bit hoarse, but I am much better than I was a few days ago! Poor DH, has to go through, what I have just been through!Back to work tomorrow! Up again before the birds!!! Talk about serious coffee dose in the morning!!!Will have to have an early night! :( Totally not a morning person!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:29 PM, |

I went to my very first WA crop yesterday and finally got to meet the very talented Mistra. Also the rest of the girls from Scrappy Dais, Lisa, Chelle, Karen and Kim.
Great day (despite still having a runny nose) and I hope Alli P raised enough funds for Autism.I did do some work, but have to finish the journalling and add some DM before I post it up.The day just went by too fast!!! But, scrapping days always do!Can not wait until the next one...
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:31 AM, |

Friday, September 08, 2006
It's BEAUTIFUL Women Month TAG YOU'RE IT! Below is a wonderful poem Audrey Hepburn wrote when asked to share her "beauty tips." It was read at her funeral years later.For attractive lips, speak words of kindness...For lovely eyes, seekout the good in people.For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone... People,even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed,and redeemed; never throw out anyone. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.If you share this with another woman, something good will happen. You will boost another woman's self esteem, and she will know that you care about her.
So I am sharing it with all of you. Have a great weekend girls!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:47 PM, |

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Been tagged again. This time by Sam List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Dont forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!Firstly to tag 5 others: First five people to read this and comment on my blog.Ok, here goes with my 5 .....1. I pout when I do not get what I want! (Just ask DH)2. I have to have all my statues, ornaments and photo frames straight and in their correct place (DH has lots of fun moving things and not telling me what he has moved!)3. I will take a photo so it will match the PP for my layout.4. I refuse to pay full (retail) price for clothes. I will either buy them at the op shop or wait untill it is on sale!5. I drive with both feet (automatic car) That way both legs get a workout!I am off back to lie down as I have the Flu and am trying to shake it off before Saturday.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:10 PM, |

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Had to scrap this photo that I took of Kira on the trip over here! Sulky Moo that she is, but she is my beautiful girl!
Just debating whether it needs journalling or not!
:) Any comments would be appreciated.
On a scrapping note! I am going on my first crop in WA!!!! Yah!!!
I am going to the Autism Crop Day Fundraiser this Saturday!DH has helped me out in the funds department (he is the BEST!!!) as I get paid fornightly and have only started the week everyone just got paid!So excited as I will finally get to meet some lovely Perth ladies whom I chat to through the blogs and websites. Watch out girls! LOL!!!I better start printing some photos to take with me!Can you tell I am excited!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 2:03 PM, |

Monday, September 04, 2006
I really feel like a nap! On Thursday I had a Nanna Nap! First time I have ever slept during the day! I should not have done it as I had to start work early on Friday and did not get enough sleep that night!Tommorrow is another early start. I do not mind, just wish my body would catch up already! LOL! I know in Victoria I worked nights and got to sleep in EVERY DAY, but this way I get most of the day and evening to myself. Nice Change. Now if only I could stay awake!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:18 PM, |

Sunday, September 03, 2006
Been tagged by Alanna! Very interesting tag too!!!
1. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from? Marilyn Monroe. I love her voice, personality and figure!
2. Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from?
Hitler, for obvious reasons! Pretty evil!!!!LOL!!!
3. If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why?
mmmmmmmmm, Hitlers mum! LOL! I would of kept my legs closed! PMSL!!!
4. If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be?
Do not know of any known ancestors worth going back to meet!
5. Tag five others.
I tag Kelley, Belinda, Mistra, Sam and Bee Hope everyone has a great week!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 8:10 PM, |

Here is my very first challenge with ArtyPants. We had to use 6 or more photos in a layout! Tough, as I usually just stick to the one per layout! LOL! It is of my little nephew Pedro. Hope everyone enjoys what is left of the weekend! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:29 AM, |

Saturday, September 02, 2006
Dawn at Werrimull (can you see the moon thumb nail, top left hand corner?)
Salt Lake (in the background)
Casey and I at our first stop (still in Victoria)
Very windy at the border!
That is it for now, the rest you will have to wait and see when I scrap them! LOL!
Got to get my scrapping mojo back now, think I left it in Victoria!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 5:41 PM, |

Friday, September 01, 2006
Here are some of my favourite photos from our trip:
Jake loves to bush camp, just check out the grin on his face!
Sunset on 90 Mile Nullabor Plain (can you see the truck going past?)
Kira is wondering (sulking for) when it will be time for HER dinner?
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:46 AM, |

My good friend Jody is running this special event. All proceeds raised will be donated to The Dylan Hartung Fundraiser. You can visit Dylans website HERE for more information.
There will be plenty of Prizes and Giveaways and Goodie Bags for all who attend. Come along with your friends and scrap, knit or read what ever you like.
21st October 2006
10am - 5pm
Mahogany Community Ctr
26 Mahogany Avenue
Frankston North Victoria 3200
Cost is $25 which includes tea/coffee refreshments.
Morning & Afternoon tea provided (BYO lunch).
Bookings Essential:
Contact Jody on (03) 5975 0914 or 0419 11 33 51
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:34 AM, |