Friday, December 29, 2006
Been stuck in a layout rut lately! Perhaps I just have too much else going on!?
Anyway, DH had also given my a $100 voucher for Christmas for Scrapbooks from the Heart and I went their yesterday to spend it as they had 15% off storewide!
Inspiration is back! I got a Sara Binder to alter and use as a Pregnancy journal and I have started on some CT layouts for SYS and online class stuff too!
Pregnancy update:
-Still no morning sickness, but everything smells and I do get nauseous! But not that bad that I throw up! Drinking Passiona like it is going out of business!
-DH apparently talks to my stomach while I am sleeping (this is what he has told me) and has told everyone he knows, family, work colleges and complete strangers! LOL! -Our local doctors opens up again in the new year and will try and get in asap as my boss needs to know if I will still be able to do my job without it affecting or making me or the baby sick (she is worried about the germ side of it!)-Gotten several offers for donations of baby stuff, clothes, furniture from both my cousin and our friend who have had children (all helps)That is it for now, my friend is coming down to Perth for New Years Eve and Day and it will be great to catch up with her.Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:07 AM, |

Monday, December 25, 2006
Thank you girls for all your well wishes and I hope you and your families all had a fabulous Christmas Day!
Day did not start very well here, as DH and I went outside to get into his car, we found mine near the road, window down and all doors unlocked as if someone had tried to steal it! Very un-nerving as it sits right under the tree out front our bedroom window! Cocky Jerks!!! I was so angry! Have to lock up my car in back shed every time now! Hate the street we live in! Too much crime! Nothing was taken from inside the car though! Very strange!
Anyways, did not let that ruin our day (karma will catch up with them!) Went to my cousins for lunch and got to meet her new fiance's family and watch the kids in the pool! So hot! Wish I had taken my bathers, would of joined them!
Took a few photos, but not has many as I would of liked! Still too scared of injuring (dropping) my new baby! LOL!
All in all, has to be the Best Christmas I have had in a while and the first spent with my cousin AnaRita, which was great!
One more day off and then it is back to work for couple of days and then off until the 3rd!
My cousin, Ana Rita & I. DH takes a great photo!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 5:30 PM, |

This little water monkey is Kyle - my godson!

This is little Olivia before her blow out (long story)! Lets just say it involves a BIG fart and a big nappy change! PMSL!!! She is starting to get the little chubby makes you want to pinch them cheeks!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 5:29 AM, |

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Who would of thought that two thin blue lines would mean so much!?We're PREGNANT!
Christmas could not get any better! Still have to go to the doctors to confirm, but I am very late and my cousin swears by these kits and she just had her fourth!
Very emotional and excited at the same time, DH is currently on the phone to everyone he knows!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:04 PM, |

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Just wanted to wish every one a Very Merry Christmas!
I hope Santa brings you everything your heart desires.
P.S. Photo taken with new camera. Close up of my Christmas candle burner!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:40 PM, |

Monday, December 18, 2006
OMFG!!!! My gorgeous DH has not only bought me a 262 self mounting stamp set and doublesided ink pens but a Canon 400D digital SLR!!!!Best Christmas ever! If I do not recieve any other pressies I do not care!No wonder he has been bugging me for weeks to make up my mind as to which SLR I wanted!?Apparently it is also part of my wedding anaversary gift as we got married in January. Gee, the year has just buzzed on by so fast!Battery is sitting on the charger and I am just reading the instruction manual! Bit daunting going from a point and shoot to a SLR. Lots to learn!!! Jody, Shirls and anyone else who has this camera any tips would be greatly appreciated!I am off to play!!! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:38 PM, |

Friday, December 15, 2006
Elisabeth's class was a huge success and loads of fun. After learning our technique we were given the challenge to use it on a card. I have used it to make the flower on this quick & easy Birthday Card I put together.
Not much happening over the weekend DH is flat out with work, so I do not really see that much of him (gives me enough time to buy his xmas gift without him being around I suppose)
Just cleaning the house and yard this weekend as we have a Rental Inspection on Tuesday. :( Hope everyone has a great weekend, it is going to be SUPER HOT here over the weekend, hope to make some time to go to the beach, inbetween scrapping and housework!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:56 PM, |

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:34 PM, |

Monday, December 11, 2006
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:50 PM, |

Ooooh just been notified that my layout "Me, Myself & I" is out in this months Scrapbook Creations (issue 37) on page 93! With the year nearly over I am reminded of one of my New Years Resolutions I made in January this year on how I wanted to get at least ONE something (layout or card) published this year. I am quite proud to say I truly accomplised that, now if only getting rid of that credit card was as easy!!! LOL!!There is always next year.... at least I have some layouts that have been accepted to be published next year already. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:37 PM, |

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Lots of new and exciting things happening at SYS:
Upcoming Online Classes
Zhooshing or better know as Paper Scrunching.
Creative Team Member Elisabeth will be running this class on Weds 13th December at 7.30pm over at Scrap Yourself Silly.
If you wish to particpate you need to register so that you can be given access to the class. Simply email or post a thread after the class announcement.
Monthly Photography Challenges
Decembers challenge is up now.
Reward Points
Still under trial, depends on how many members we get signing up.
How To Section
Creative Team's Work
2007 Cyber Crop Dates Write them in your diary now!and many more exciting things to come...... stay tuned......
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:24 PM, |

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Just a quick layout I did for Tracy's Challenge over on the Scraps Blog.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 8:39 AM, |

Friday, December 08, 2006
The masters have been announced:
Carole Janson
Catherine Duffy
Debbie Kingston
Jennifer Hall
Jo Carey
Jody Essenhigh
Kylie Tout
Lauren Dennis
Libby Morris
Marion Werren
Natalie Taylor
Nikki Rudd
Racheal Scholz
Sandra Gerdes
Sheree McGee
Congrats Girls!!!
I got shortlisted along with 99 other people and do not know if I have recieved an Honourable Mention, so if anyone gets the mag before I do, could you please put me out of my misery and let me know if anything of mine is in there? Cheers. :) I still have not received my work back, I hope it has not gotten lost in the post! We were told that we would get out work back mid November?? :(
Since the mag is out, I may as well upload my entries too. 

Blogger will not let me upload any more pics of the different angles of my flowers and I can not be bothered with a third post today.
Edited 9pm - No HM for me :(. Just got to wait for my stuff to arrive safe and sound now........
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:45 PM, |

Not much has been happening really.
DH did not get to go on his holiday to Kalbarri as work is too hectic and he does not have enough staff, so this weekend he will spend most of his time covering shifts, while his mate is up in Kalbarri catching heaps of fish. Feel so sorry for him as he really needs a break from work!
I have also been busy with work as most of my runs fall on the Xmas and New Years public holidays I have to make sure they all get done before hand.
Other than that, I have the Christmas tree up but have not finished all the decorations (I still think the tree needs more). Also been scrapping and taking a few photos: I just love this shot of Scott with one of his workers new Puppy! Just adorable, especially in black and white! 
This one is of Scott and Jake at sunset last night at Kwinana Beach. Scrapable photo for sure!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. No plans here, just boring housework inbetween doing some scrapping. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:15 PM, |

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My Name is Jody White and I have committed myself to a Weight Loss Challenge which will not only benefit me, but also raise money to help Dylan Hartung.
I am looking for people to sponsor me to lose weight. For example if I lose 20 kilos and someone sponsors me $1.00 per kilo, that makes a $20.00 donation for Dylan Hartung. The more sponsors I have the more money for Dylan.
SPONSOR OR PARTICIPATE!!!If you would like to sponsor me send me an email at if you would like to lose a few kilos and join me on my journey pop me an email at have set up a website blog for my sponsors/participants to follow my progress. For more information please see the link at I am hoping that others will follow suit, and take part too.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:58 PM, |

Sunday, December 03, 2006
I am officially scrapped out for the weekend!
Very tough challenge from Jodie over at Arty Pants. But, I did finally get to use quite a few of my MM foam stamps that had been sitting there in their packaging! I really wanted to whack on some pink embellishments and ribbon, but resisted the urge to do so (only just)LOL!
Isn't Olivia gorgeous! Getting so cluckly lately!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:08 PM, |

Cyber Crop Challenges:
Challenge One: 7 Deadly Sins - We had to scrap one of the sins! LOL! I chose ENVY! Also got it in the quiz: Which Sin are You?
Challenge 2 - Create 2 tags or 2 cards that must use or incorporate the following: Christmas Theme Purple and pink or Blue and silver/white Rounded corner(s)Star(s)
I chose to do the Purple & Pink and Tags as I have got all my Chrissy cards covered and ready to post for this year.
Challenge 3 - Mirror Mirror on the will. We had 3 selections to choose from and I chose to Mirror my Layout:

and last but not least:
Challenge 4- ABBA. We where given two photos/ads of Abba and had two pick between a simple and a full on embellished layout. Needless to say, I am hopeless at simple! Blogger will not let me upload a fourth so I have it underneath in a separate post.
Out for most of the day today, as DH and I are going up to Whiteman's Park. He finally swindled a day off so we are making the most of it and hopefully will also go out for dinner tonight! See how we feel... got both cameras charged and hope to get some gorgeous photos.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:23 AM, |

Edited 5/12/06- I won the challenge! First CC winning layout! So cool!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:22 AM, |

Saturday, December 02, 2006
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:13 PM, |

Friday, December 01, 2006
Really need to de-stress and plan to do so with the cyber crop on tonight! Don't you hate it when you are having a great day and it only takes one little thing to turn it to crap?
Ok off to get my scrapping stuff organised for the Cyber Crop. I really hope to get some scrapping done this weekend! Been a bit slack lately scrapping wise, but Christmas decoration wise I have been flat out! Will post up some piccies when I am done.Have a good weekend girls. :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:15 PM, |