Monday, July 31, 2006

First acceptance with SC

Ok, technically it is my second. But the first one they accepted was off with another getting photographed!
Yay!!!! One I really enjoyed doing at a cyber crop recently and even though my face is on it, I love the layout!
Anyway keep an eye out for it in the circles gallery of issue 37! :)

Now I am glad I did not pack all my albums today especially the one this layout was in!

Happy scrapping, I still got more packing!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 8:33 PM, | 3 comments
Sunday, July 30, 2006

You, me and Dupree

Thank you so much for all the lovely birthday wishes! :)

Just got home after a long day. Went to two markets this morning and then shopping. I did not find a beanie or sunnies I liked but did get a gorgeous dress and cardigan. Will take photo tommorow and upload.
We ended up watching You, me and Dupree after lunch and it was hysterical! Love Owen Wilson, he is too funny!

Off to enjoy the rest of my day! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 4:28 PM, | 1 comments
Friday, July 28, 2006

Getting things done!

Ok I have almost finished my layouts for FK excellence awards! Yah!!!! Just got to find some pink liquid beads!
Also bought the latest FK yesterday and got 3 mags for the prize of one! How cool is that! Bonus! I did not have the other two mags that it came with!!! Love FK at the moment, it is so inspirational plus the free gifts are great! May enter the EDM comp yet!

Weekend plans, more of the same!
Got to do a tip run early Sunday morning, but then DH has promised to take me out for a late Birthday lunch and a movie! It just does not feel like my birthday this year! Must be getting old! LOL! You know that you are an adult when you have to buy yourself the presents!
M-i-l bought me a complete care RACV membership, very practical with the move and all so I can not complain and my sister sent me some photos and a singlet. (it is summer in London)
That is it so far, hoping I get my mums regular gift today in the post (not like her to be this late, she is usually a month in advance).
Anyway, DH is buying me a "girly beanie" on Sunday, I get to chose (he must be sick of me wearing his Quicksilver one! LOL) and I might buy myself a new pair of trendy sunnies!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will definetly be eating a big chocolate mud muffin on Sunday! God, 27 years! Where has the time gone!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:39 AM, | 8 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Counting the weeks

Just seem to be counting the weeks now that we have less than a month to go before the big move! Still got quite a few loose ends to tie, for example, a whole room filled with furniture that we are not taking! Salvos better take it all as it is all in good condition.

Well yesterday my DH asked me what I wanted for my birthday. Birthday? Yes, it's this Sunday, so he reminds me! Oh, hadn't even had time to acknowledge that I am nearly another year older! Decided on lunch and a movie. That is the plan anyway, things might change! LOL!

I am so over organising to go and just want to go! Do you know the feeling? I have just had it with boxes and bubble wrap and just wish we were already heading off. Soon! Until then I still have things to sort out and people I have to see before we go.

Better get back to it!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:55 AM, | 7 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Latest family photos

Finally got some more photos from my sister Marilia of the family in London.

This is my gorgeous sister Marilia with her son Pedro. He looks like a little pom! He is going to be a heartbreaker!!!

This is my baby sister Tanya. She is 15, but to me she will always be my little sister!!! I can not believe she is now a young lady!

This is my mum Maria and her boyfriend Jose with Pedro.

It was great to get some photos but at the same time, it has made me realize how much I miss them all and how much I am missing. Oh well, such is life. At least I have family in Perth, that my family in London have not seen yet. I am going to be one very busy photgrapher!!!

On a scrapping note: I had a great time at
Arty Pants grand opening yesterday morning. I got to meet the lovely Jodie and her mum Judee. I also got to meet the very talented Steph!
Shop looks fantastic and the displays are set up where you can see everything clearly. Love the paper shelves! Hopefully I will be able to visit once more before the big move!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 7:59 PM, | 9 comments
Friday, July 21, 2006

Yah for Friday

I love when Friday comes around!

Ok, I am going to the Grand Opening of Arty Pants tomorrow. So excited!!!

Sunday we are doing several tip runs, clearing out the junk so we can start sorting and moving all our packed boxes into one room! Not so fun, but has to be done!!

Other than that, not really up to too much this weekend. Hopefully will still get some scrapping done but if I don't, buying scrapbooking stuff still counts as quality Scrap Time!!! :)

Hope everyone has a Scraptastic weekend!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:19 AM, | 4 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006

One month from today!

OMG!!! Got one month exactly to finish packing and organising for our big move back to Perth! Most of our stuff is packed, except for our clothes, will pack most of them the week before, (summer stuff packed already!), electrical stuff and scrapping stuff.
Got to finalise stuff with the removalists, organise our yard and do a major clean of the house once everything is packed. Got to give notice at work and at real estate (we are renting!) and more!!!
DH has got lists written up for everything! List of things that must be done before we go, list of supplies we must take with us, list of things that have to be done when we arrive in Perth.

I need a coffee!!!!!

Have not done much scrapping for myself lately as I have been working on a couple of albums and gift ideas for friends and family. Really got to get my butt into gear with my FK entry as I want to have that done and posted before we leave.

Take care :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:24 PM, | 6 comments
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Arty Pants Opening Saturday!

Can not wait!!!!! If you are anywhere around Shop 65 Hampton Park shopping Square, 166 Somerville rd Hampton Park 3976, Saturday 22nd July pop in and have a look! I will!!!!!
If you are not you can check out
Arty Pants online shop for some bargains!

Bring on Saturday! :)

Also just want to wish the Lovely
Val a very Happy 50th Birthday. Hopefully if everyone wishes her a Happy Birthday on her blog, she may update it with details and photos of her birthday! Worth a try! Come on girls!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:23 AM, | 2 comments
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Did not win!

I can upload these layouts now that the competitions are over and the winners have been announced. (I was not one of them!)LOL!
The first two were my entries for the Junkitz draft 2006 and the last one was a recent competition on
ASC using Urban Lily papers.

There is always next year!

I better get back to work on some new layouts! :)

Also just a quick Happy Birthday to Alanna

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:35 PM, | 2 comments

I've been tagged!

I've been Tagged.... the lovely
Sara P

Four Jobs I’ve Had :
1) Bar Tender
2) Checkout Chick
3) Waitress
4) Hotel Receptionist

Four Movies I Can Watch Over And Over :
1) Back Draft (If you do not know why, you have obviously never seen it!)
2) Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3) Senseless (too funny!!!)
4) Lethal Weapon (got box set of all 4!)

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch :
1) Scrubs
2) Desperate Housewives
3) Gilmore Girls
4) Lost

Four Important things to me :
1) Family
2) Friends
3) My computer
4) Scrapbooking

Four Tunes That Play In My Head :
1) Pinks new song
2) Nickle Back's whole new album
3) Always buy Bon Jovi
4) Wasabi - can not remember who sings it!

Four Favorite Food Dishes :
1) Pizza
2) Anything spicy!
3) Thai food
4) Sushi

Four Websites I Visit Daily :
Arty Pants

Four Scrap company's I like :
1) Basic Grey
2) Scenic Route
3) Making Memories (love their new Boho range!)
4) We R Memory Keepers

Four Favorite Colors :
1) Pink
2) Green
3) Brown
4) Blue

Four bloggers to tag:
Judee D

:) BTW Ngaire's
fundrasing efforts have raised a grand total of $7270.00!!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 8:50 AM, | 1 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006

Another Monday

Another Monday is here and I feel like the weekend just went by too fast! Don't you hate that?
Finally got some more photo paper yesterday! I only have 3 more pages to scrap for my friend Carina's album, then I am starting on a wedding one for my friend Melissa (Her wedding photos were all taken with disposables, so I will have to edit some) for her and her DH anniversary gift.

I am half way through my For Keeps layouts (for the Excellence awards) and will work more on them this week.

Other than that, still packing and slowing ticking off our list of all the things that must be done and organised before we go!

Happy Monday! :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:20 AM, | 1 comments
Saturday, July 15, 2006

Final Countdown

Ngaire has raised almost $7,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Please help support her cause even if you can not DONATE much, it all helps.
Plus there are great prizes (over 120) from scrapbookers/shop near and far that you can win just by donating. Make sure on your
form that you donate on under the charities section you select Ngaire's charity and then email her the amount you donated.

Anyway I have also donated my "Money Purse" as seen in this months For Keeps as I could not donate much funds.

So please help support this worthy cause, do it for your mother, your sister, your cousin, your aunty, your friend. For more info visit Ngaire's Blog.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:36 AM, | 4 comments
Friday, July 14, 2006

A little something you may not know about me!

Ok, those that really know me and I mean know me! Know how much I love my dogs!
What you may not know is that I have a Rotti and black lab statue and stuffed toy collection!
Big Collection!!!! DH always buys a new one when he sees one I might love (isn't he the sweetest!)
The photo above is of my favourite which I have named (Yes the stuffed ones ALL have names!), Little Wooby! (The story behind the name I will save for another day!)
Anyway, ever since I have finished all that stitching on my Tiger layout I have been left with nothing to do while I watch the TV at night, so I have started crocheting hats and scarfs for all the girls. Sad I know! LOL!

Other than that I plan on working more on my For Keeps Excellence layouts this weekend, plus an otp project.
Tonight I will be participating in another cyber crop at
Embellished hope I have enough photos as I still have not gone out and bought more photo paper, slack I know!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Got to get ready to go to work now :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 10:59 AM, | 5 comments
Thursday, July 13, 2006


Bought this t-shirt for my little godson Kyle for his birthday (which is at the end of the month.) Hope he likes it. I think it is cool!!! But not having kids myself maybe what I think is cool, really isn't? LOL!!!
Any opinions?
He will be 4 years old! He is growing up so fast and I can not wait to see him once we get to Perth.

Have a cool day girls :)
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:54 PM, | 8 comments
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Check this out!

OMG!!! Gorgeous New Urban Lily Summer 06 Collection. You have to have a PEEK! I love all their ranges of patterned paper and they also have rubons and chipboard circles. Also this new thing called a Sugar Cube made out of cardstock that you scrap and tie together. Gorgeous new stuff that I must have!!!! (No I am not on commission for Urban Lily! LOL)
Just thought I would share!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:32 PM, | 6 comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Progress report

The sunrises here have been absolutely stunning lately! What is even more amazing is the fact that I am up early enough to take photos of it!!!!
Scott has finally finished up his 12hour night shifts (did 17 days straight!!!!!)

I will finally get to sleep in now, rather than get up when he arrives home in the morning! He can also get his body clock back to normal now!

Still packing and trying to get rid of the majority of our furniture before we go. M.I.L has put us both on the RACV Complete Care roadside package for both our cars (bless her heart).

I am working on my FK excellence submissions as I would like to have them posted before we leave and also a few other albums and projects for a couple of my friends. (Reminder to self: buy more photo paper!)

I am also eagerly awaiting the grand shop opening of
Arty Pants! Can not wait to finally meet Jodie and Judee and some of the other DT members and of course see the shop and buy some gorgeous goodies before I have to pack up my supplies for the Big move!

That is it for now. Got to go and pack some more!
Take care and keep warm. oxoxox
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:33 AM, | 5 comments
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday Sloth

Lazy day today (gee I am really putting off this packing!)
Yesterdays 12 hour crop was great! Did not get much done, but I always enjoy going to
Terry's and catching up and gossiping with the girls.
I did manage to do a few more layouts for my friends album. Just got six more to do and I can post it to her! I also altered this MM chipboard letter for my little nephew Pedro. You can not really see it on the scan, but there is dimensional magic on the chipboard circles.
Just got a bit of washing to do today, but other than that I might have a movie day!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday.

BTW... Happy Birthday
Manola! Hope you have a Great Day!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 11:20 AM, | 4 comments
Friday, July 07, 2006

You will never guess...

You will never guess who I got a phone call from today?

Kristal Hargraves, editor for For Keeps!!!
She asked whether I had received my complimentary copy and what I thought of it.
Of course I LOVED IT!
She then went to say that she had received a comment about my "money purse" and whether there was a template as one of the readers would love to make one.
Well, that just made my day!
I was already happy that it had been published and a whole page at that. Now I feel extra warm and fuzzy inside just thinking that someone loved it enough to want to make one!

Thank you to that someone and thank you to Kristal, you have both made my day!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 6:25 PM, | 6 comments
Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Quick Update

I am not in the mood for packing!
Condsidering I have not been scrapping for long (2 Years in Sept) I have such a large pile of scrapbooking supplies!!! I have only sorted through half!
Really got to get my butt into gear! Scott and I are going to really get serious about packing once we get rid of the furniture and stuff which we are not taking, then we just pack what is left!
Just got to wait till his 12hour night shift work ends and then we can get organised.

Can you believe I have not bought any scrapping supplies (Magazines do not count towards supplies! Ok!) for nearly 3 weeks!!! OMG!!! No wonder I have spare change! LOL!
I will get my fix on Saturday at
Terry's as she has the 10am to 10pm Crop Day! Bound to get something done that day! Might be my last day at Terry's (scrapping wise) so I will make the most of it!

My Roses are just about finished flowering in the garden (only have 3 left in bloom) and now my Carmelias are starting to bloom, Just had to get a photo:

posted by Crissy Gaylor at 1:32 PM, | 4 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Artypants has donated a Scrapping hamper with a value in excess of $100.00 to the raffle held for NBCF go to
Ngaire's Blog. If you read this I am sure that you all will want to buy a ticket. they have, so far 120 prizes so you have to be in it to win it.

Breast cancer is a curse that somehow needs to be eradicated and the only way is for money for more and more research. If you don't want to or can't , at least do everyone a favour and check those boobies. It can travel so fast that one day you will not feel anything and the next you will. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Check. I don't want to hear of another person. I am sure everyone of you knows someone who has been affected by breast cancer or in fact any cancer. Awareness is the beginning to a cure. So be aware.
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 9:14 PM, | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Good Morning!

Can't help but feel that it is going to be a great day when you start it by viewing this sunrise out your kitchen window.

More packing today, just thought I would start packing all the things we do not need to have out. Also going to sort through my clothes and knick knacks later and my scrapping mags (can not take them all with me and will drop them off at LSS and the girls can just help themselves to whatever they want!) Looks like I will be making several Op shop drops too.

Finally know our new address in Gosnells. Elsie Street! Easy enough to remember as Elsie Flannigan is one of my greatest most inspiring overseas scrappers!

Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 8:28 AM, | 8 comments
Monday, July 03, 2006

Shopping for a bargain.

Still shopping around for the best removal quote! I am starting to get a headache from filling out the same types of forms over and over again! There are too many!!!!
Have started packing, but still unsure on how many boxes we will end up having so that is also making getting an accurate quote impossible!
I need a coffee!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 12:47 PM, | 4 comments
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Lazy weekend

Not much happening this weekend. Just doing a bit of scrapping! (Nothing new!)LOL!

Both our cars have been serviced and tyres done for our trip and I have slowly started packing all the stuff that isn't necessary to have out.

Found issue 5 of Creative Cardmaking and Papercraft at my local newsagent today.
My layout "Spring Blooms" is spread over three pages, starting on page 91.
Talk about coverage! It is a very collage type layout that I did when I first got my digital camera last year and spring arrived! I just love taking photos of flowers using the macro setting on my camera.
The magazine mainly focuses on cardmaking but it does have a section in the back for scrapbooking. It is a fairly new magazine and has a very informative structure. Cardmakers will adore it! Heaps of ideas in it. (Might make a few cards myself this weekend!)

I can not believe it is July already!
posted by Crissy Gaylor at 3:37 PM, | 4 comments